
Log In Using Floyd CLI

Quick Preparation Checklist

You can use the floyd login command to log in to your FloydHub account through your command line

$ floyd login
Authentication token page will now open in your browser. Continue? [Y/n]: y
Please copy and paste the authentication token.
This is an invisible field. Paste token and press ENTER:

This will open your browser and display your authentication token. You can also access this directly at floydhub.com/settings/security. (Note: only visible if you are logged in to your web dashboard).

Windows 10 Login

Copy the token and paste it in your terminal.

Logging in without opening a browser

Sometimes you may need to log in to Floyd on a computer that can't open a browser. Using your token from floydhub.com, you can log in without opening a browser by passing the --token flag to floyd login:

$ floyd login --token
Please copy and paste the authentication token.
This is an invisible field. Paste token and press ENTER:
Login Successful

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