
Quick Start

Let's train our first deep learning model on Floydhub! Follow this guide for a quick look at how easy it is to use FloydHub.

Quick Preparation Checklist

Quick Start

  1. Visit https://www.floydhub.com/projects/create and create a FloydHub project. We'll call it mnist-cnn: create jupyter notebook

  2. In your terminal, use git to clone FloydHub's quick-start repository. It contains the code we'll use to train our CNN. Clone it and switch directories into it:

    $ git clone https://github.com/floydhub/quick-start.git
    Cloning into 'quick-start'...
    $ cd quick-start
    $ ls
    eval.py  LICENSE  mnist_cnn.ipynb  README.md  train_and_eval.py  train.py
  3. In your terminal, use Floyd CLI to initialize the project (be sure to use the name you gave the project in step one):

    $ floyd init mnist-cnn
    Project "mnist-cnn" initialized in current directory
  4. Then, to run the training script on one of FloydHub's deep-learning GPU servers, we'll use the following command:

    $ floyd run --gpu --env tensorflow-1.3 "python train_and_eval.py"
    Creating project run. Total upload size: 25.4KiB
    Syncing code ...
    [================================] 27316/27316 - 00:00:00
    To view logs enter:
       floyd logs mckay/projects/mnist-cnn/1

    Here's what Floyd did when you ran that command:

    • Synced your local code to FloydHub's servers
    • Provisioned a GPU instance on the cloud with TensorFlow 1.3 installed
    • Executed the command python train_and_eval.py on the GPU server
    • Stored the output logs and generated output data
    • Terminated the GPU instance once the command finished executing
  5. View your job's logs in real time using the floyd logs -t command:

    $ floyd logs -t
    2017-09-27 14:14:40,364 INFO - Starting attempt 1 at 2017-09-27 14:14:40.358414
    2017-09-27 14:14:40,399 INFO - Downloading and setting up data sources
    2017-09-27 14:14:40,534 INFO - Pulling Docker image: floydhub/tensorflow:1.3.0-py3_aws.12
    2017-09-27 14:14:41,977 INFO - Starting container...
    2017-09-27 14:14:42,489 INFO -
    2017-09-27 14:14:42,489 INFO - Run Output:

Congratulations! You've trained and tested your first model on FloydHub 🎉

Yeah, that was pretty high level. To go a bit more in depth and learn more about what you actually just did, check out the Getting Started Tutorial

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